Garlic Harvest

In the midst of last years falls chaos of freshly moving onto our land I managed to plant some garlic. Not knowing much about our soil at the time I planted a few garlic seeds and watched them sprout and take shape throughout the year. This weekend I harvested our small but mighty garlic patch, turned the bed and broadcasted carrots and beet seeds for the early fall. Last chance to get those 2 veggies in the ground before the weather turns. At least here in the northwest. A busy and productive weekend it was. I am so tired... the little one is definitely going thru a growth spurt. I will have to take some new photos of my belly soon. Each growth spurt I notice the onset of leg cramps, the always hungry feeling, less movement from the little guy, overly tired and achey all over. But soon I will get back into the groove. So long friends! 

Here's last years garlic harvest post ...